Industrial Appraisal Company - Services


Standards are the law - Industrial Appraisal Company assists with compliance.

Governmental organizations and other public-sector entities are faced with the challenge of addressing regulatory guidelines and reporting capital assets. Industrial Appraisal Company will assist you with your reporting requirements and compliance issues for GASB Statements 34/35, GAAP and FASAB.

Whether determining insurable values or providing accounting data by reconciling existing records or through fresh start accounting, Industrial Appraisal Company provides valuation and fixed asset management expertise. Our extensive experience with financial reporting requirements will help to ensure regulatory guidelines are met and asset reporting is compliant.

Physical inspections and comprehensive inventories of all capital assets provide historical costs and dates of installation, useful lives and depreciation schedules for your faxed assets. Inventory control can be accomplished through barcode asset tagging and tracking systems.

Industrial Appraisal Company services include the following:

• Certified insurance appraisals “Proof-of-Loss Documentation”

• Fixed asset reporting and management

• Barcode asset tagging

• Electronic report options

• Data import and export capabilities

• Annual updating of insurance and accounting data

• Infrastructure and site improvement services


Why Industrial Appraisal Company?

• Experience – With over 80 years of appraising Governmental properties, we have a highly trained and experienced staff appraisers that understand Government.

• Comprehensive appraisals – Receive a physical inspection and valuation of all real property, machinery and equipment, site improvements, infrastructure and land regardless of where you are located or how big or small you may be.

• Customer Service – Special circumstances require special needs and Industrial Appraisal Company understands that not all appraisals are the same. Consideration is given to every assignment because we live in an ever changing world.

In addition to providing you with accurate and supportable insurance data, Industrial Appraisal Company performs annual updating for insurance valuations and accounting reports.